Blog Category

Add Categories

On step Content, click on New Post. You can click Add Category to create your own category. Also, you can select the parent category with the 3 maximum levels.

For example: If we add "Cats" category and select parent category to "Animals", a "Cats" category will be under the "Animals" folder.


You can add new category when you add new post as well.


Manage Category Index

Also, you can modify a catagories page. Clicking Site -> Blog -> Select Category.


Category index widget section

By Category List: Shows all your posts in the category

By Category List Setting


  1. Enable/Disable Category Name
  2. Enable/Disable Total Number of Posts
  3. Limit post per page
  4. Order by: Select Newest, Post Title or Last edit to arrange a list.
  5. Enable/Disable author name on each post.
  6. Enable/Disable post date and time on each post.
  7. Enable/Disable post's category on each post.
  8. Continue Reading text is a button to access a post page.

Add Blog to Category


Fills your blog name and select category which you want to add in.